Motherwort: a plant for the Lion Hearted

Motherwort is a common plant seen in backyards and along sidewalks here in West Michigan. I first came into contact with her in my backyard about four years ago. The latin name for Motherwort is Leonurus cardiaca - Lion Hearted. Now this is what got me, even though I didn't know it at the time. As I look back over the past few years, I can see the thread that has been illuminated by this plant. 

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Seasonal Support: 4 Simple ways to support your Body this Spring

"Worms will not eat living wood where the vital sap is flowing; rust will not hinder the opening of a gate when the hinges are used each day. Movement gives health and life. Stagnation brings disease and death."

-Proverb in Traditional Chinese Medicine

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Rosehip Apple Compote

I love living in Michigan because we have a wide variety of seasonal fruits and veggies, especially in the fall. I have been enjoying the abundance of apples right now, but have been craving something warmer than the old peanut butter/ sliced apple combination. So, I created this super simple, rosehip apple compote. It is excellent spooned on top of plain, whole milk yogurt with a drizzle of blackstrap molasses (raw honey would be great too!).

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Finding Your Roots: everyday grounding practices

“Grounding” is a bit of a buzz-word that has been floating around the natural health community, yoga circles, and other healing spaces over the past few years.  I have personally been working on becoming “more grounded”, as I am sure many of you can relate.  Over the course of my own process, I have come to understand that the concept of grounding or being grounded is very much a fluid part of our ever-changing existence.  It is not a state to be achieved, something to be checked off our list.  Rather, it is a state that we flow in and out of regularly.

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Using Plant Allies: lavender

Lavender has been one of my favorite plants to use therapeutically for the past few years.  I love the smell and even the taste when mixed harmoniously with other plants and foods.  I recently moved into a house that has a handful of large lavender plants in the front yard and they are just starting to bloom.  Lavender has wonderful healing properties, some of which I will share here.  There are many ways to enjoy and prepare lavender.  

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