Being able to be in my body in a comfortable way has been a deep desire of mine for years. I am not interested in feeling anxious in my own skin. I want to be grounded, settled, no matter what life brings. This is the power of embodiment.
Read moreNavigating Your Emotional Awakening
Over the past few years, I have found myself in the process of learning to feel and observe my emotions. Something that was so natural when I was young, had become obscured as I got older and learned push uncomfortable emotions away. Years of stuffing emotions into the nooks and crannies of my being created a lot of discomfort that eventually called for my attention. I could no longer ignore that all emotions are a normal part of the human experience. And so began my process of awakening to these emotions that had been stored, some of them for years and years.
A common question that comes up with clients when we get to working with emotions in general and particularly with difficult emotions is this:
"Why is it important to feel my emotions?
Read moreForgiveness: the art of letting go
I was walking home the other day, listening to a podcast by Rob Bell called The Forgiving Flow. He is teaching a five-part series on forgiveness and this was the first episode. As I was listening, I was also taking in Fall and all her beauty. The burnt orange leaves slowly turning color, lining the street. The refreshingly crisp air entering my lungs, clearing out old, stagnant breath. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, fall is the season governed by the Lungs and Large Intestine. The lungs, large intestine, skin and nose are the organs related to the Metal Element. As you may imagine simply based on the function of each organ, they govern some important aspects of our lives.
Read moreFinding Your Roots: everyday grounding practices
“Grounding” is a bit of a buzz-word that has been floating around the natural health community, yoga circles, and other healing spaces over the past few years. I have personally been working on becoming “more grounded”, as I am sure many of you can relate. Over the course of my own process, I have come to understand that the concept of grounding or being grounded is very much a fluid part of our ever-changing existence. It is not a state to be achieved, something to be checked off our list. Rather, it is a state that we flow in and out of regularly.
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