Healing Modality Highlight: Flower Essences

Flower essences have quickly become one of my favorite healing modalities both for myself and in my practice. They are a less-well-known botanical medicine than herbs, but are just as effective. They differ in preparation than herbs and work on different levels of the body, which I will touch on briefly here.

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Forgiveness: the art of letting go

I was walking home the other day, listening to a podcast by Rob Bell called The Forgiving Flow.  He is teaching a five-part series on forgiveness and this was the first episode.  As I was listening, I was also taking in Fall and all her beauty.  The burnt orange leaves slowly turning color, lining the street.  The refreshingly crisp air entering my lungs, clearing out old, stagnant breath.  In Traditional Chinese Medicine, fall is the season governed by the Lungs and Large Intestine.  The lungs, large intestine, skin and nose are the organs related to the Metal Element.  As you may imagine simply based on the function of each organ, they govern some important aspects of our lives.  

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